【Relax & Buddha Shaolin Kung-Fu Theatre】 Training Department 2013 Summer Course information:
2013年7月15~19日(15~19 July 2013)
(b)Monday~Friday 10:00~11:30 am,Banqiao Dist. , New Taipei City - 『Shaolin Kung-Fu intensive course』 (fundamental )
2013年7月22~26日(22~26 July 2013)
(c) Monday~Friday 10:00~11:30 am,Banqiao Dist. , New Taipei City -『Shaolin Kung-Fu intensive course』 (fundamental )
2013年7月1~5日(1~5 July 2013)
(d)Monday~Friday 14:00~15:30 pm,Banqiao Dist. , New Taipei City - 『Shaolin Qigong intensive course』
2013年7月15~19日(15~19 July 2013)
(e)Monday~Friday 14:00~15:30 pm,Banqiao Dist. , New Taipei City - 『Shaolin Qigong intensive course』
2013年7月22~26日(22~26 July 2013)
(f) Monday~Friday 14:00~15:30 pm,Banqiao Dist. , New Taipei City - 『Shaolin Qigong intensive course』
1. 每班滿20人開班,欲試上者請至平日班洽詢安排。Please note that class will not open if less than 20 people.
2. 『少林功夫密集班』共有(a)、(b)、(c) 3個梯次,『少林養生功法密集班』共有(d)、(e)、(f) 3個梯次,每梯次各5堂2000元。There are 3 sessions for each [Shaolin Kung-Fu intensive course] (a), (b), (c) and [Shaolin Qigong intensive course] (d), (e), (f). Five classes per session for $2000NT
3. 年齡限制:『少林功夫密集班』需滿10足歲以上,『少林養生功法密集班』需滿13足歲以上,且無重大疾病者。Age requirement: 『Shaolin Kung-Fu intensive course』:age 10 and above,『Shaolin Qigong intensive course』:Age 13 and above and without any prevalent diseases
4. 報名方式:
(1) 報名採即日起開始繳費,以上班時間(早上10點至晚上8點)親至道館繳交現金或匯入帳戶為準,匯入帳號後煩請來電告知並確認。( 中國信託銀行板新分行 戶名:林勝傑 帳號:417-54028859-3 ) Register starts now. you can choose to pay either in person between 10am and 8pm at the institute or by transferring it to the bank account below.(中國信託銀行板新分行 戶名:林勝傑 帳號:417- 54028859-3)Please call and inform us once you've transferred the tuition, thanks.
(2) 報名截止日期為2013年6月20日。為保障已報名者的權益,請妥善安排時間,開班後概不退費。若開班未成,則已報名繳費者將全額退費。Register before June 20th 2013. No refunds once course starts. However, the tuition will be returned fully if classes are unable to open.
(3) 本團保留調課與併班之權利。We reserve the right to reschedule or merge classes.
5. 請自行帶飲用水與擦汗毛巾或替換衣物。Please bring your own towel, a bottle of warm water and a fresh change of clothing. Cold water can disrupt the energy flow inside your body, therefore warm water is highly recommended. A pair of clean (not going outside) running shoes is suggested to wear during training, but practicing with bare feet is fine too.
6. 歡迎來電洽詢(02)2958-2811。Welcome to drop a line to rnbshaolin@gmail.com for reservation.
7. 上課時的攝影、錄影及錄音須徵得館方工作人員與教練的同意。Please notify us in advance if you wish to video tape the session during class.
8. 板橋上課地點:台北縣板橋市板新路107號4樓B室。洽詢電話:(02)2958-2811;0973-371-136 方小姐。Banciao address:4-BF., No.107, Bansin Rd., Banqiao City, Taipei County 220, Taiwan.